Darcy Griffin

I'm running (walking) this month to raise awareness (maybe some funds) for the 1 in 70 aussies on the spectrum

Did you know that autism is estimated to affect over 350,000 Australians every day? For children, an early diagnosis is critical. It means more tailored support at home and school, so they can experience the joy of being a different brilliant. My brother Reuben is on the spectrum, he got diagnosed in the first few years of life when me and my sister were still quite young and didn't think he was much different from us. Fortunately, our mum is a phycologist and was able to get him the help he needs and explain to 6yo us what it means to be 'on the spectrum'. He is now 13 and in year 7 at school, he struggles with social cues and writing due to low muscle tone but reads like a demon and sings wiggle songs like there is no tomorrow! he watches Hard Quiz with us on Wednesday and the Voice on the weekends and walks the dogs with his support worker when he gets home. 

Sadly, there are so many financially disadvantaged families who are currently on the waitlist for urgently needed autism assessments.

That’s why I’m taking on Run for autism. To help children access an early diagnosis, opening doors to specialised support services and giving them the best possible chance to shine! my family is lucky enough to have a parent who knows the in's and out's of the NDIS system to get the funding for the therapy my brother still attends, but our situation is vastly different from hundreds of other families in Australia. 

Will you please support my run for autism by making a tax-deductible donation?

Any contribution, large or small, will help make a huge difference in the lives of families waiting on an autism diagnosis.

Thank you so much!

My Running Activity

Distance Run

2 KM

My Target

36 KM