Will you pledge to raise $1,000?
The Runner of Fame is an exclusive club for our top runners who have committed to raising $1,000 or more to support children and adults on the autism spectrum.
When you pledge to become a Runner of Fame, you're helping children receive an early diagnosis, giving them access to specialist therapies, and allowing them to receive the support they need to reach their full potential in life.
As an extra special thank you, once you hit your $1,000 goal, you'll receive the VIP reward below AND earn your exclusive spot on the Runner of Fame honour wall below.
Thanks so much to our Runners of Fame!
Thanks so much to our Runners of Fame!
Together, you’re helping to create an autism-friendly world where Autistic people can embrace their different brilliant®.

Aspect VIP Iron-on Badge
VIP Certificate

Special Fundraising Page Theme
Name on the
Runner of Fame