Track your Kilometres

How to track your Kilometres using a Fitness app

Step 1:

Download Fitbit, Strava or Garmin App and set up your account 

Step 2:

Login to your dashboard - choose my Fitness Activity

Step 3:

Click Connect Your Preferred Fitness App - Fitbit/Strava/Garmin

Step 4:

Follow the prompts to connect
your app

Once you have gone through the above steps you are set up and you can start tracking your KMs!

  • When you start each run, select 'Start your workout' in the app on your phone
  • Once you end your workout, save your workout and your distance will be published to the tally on your page
  • If you are using Fitbit, Strava or Garmin you must ‘start’ an activity and save it
  • Your daily runs will now automatically add to your page

If you are having issues, try syncing through BOTH your Fitbit and the app on your smartphone.

If you have any other problems you can email your Running buddies at 

How to track your Kilometres manually

Step 1:

Login to your dashboard

Step 2:

Under My Fitness Activity - add your dates
and distance 

Step 3:

The details of your run will show on
 your fundraising page

REMINDER: Your training kilometres you are now logging on your dashboard will be removed in the early hours on Tuesday 1 October before the start of the first day. This is so everyone can all start the challenge afresh! 

Join the Strava Group! 

Strava is a popular community app. for athletes. It's a social network group that helps you feel connected to others taking part in this challenge.

It's a place where you can:

  • Record your tracking and kilometres into your Strava feed
  • Stay in touch with friends and fellow runners who are sharing their own kms
  • Give a big high five to great performances and leave comments on each other’s runs
  • Inspire, motivate, empower and support others in their challenge

All you need to do is log into your personal Strava account and click here